本帖最后由 turfury00 于 2015-7-22 14:56 编辑
Twice experience of Freescale Car National Competition,which has occupied half of my college period, is a really valuable memory for me.
Graduation one year ago.
Dropped out from my master university half years ago.
Now PhD.-ing.
It’s an amazing and struggling experience.
Now everything is OK and I finally catch some time to say something to my school brothers and my car friends or DaoYou.
Although I got a quite good prize,
I regret that I fail to achieve my idea in my car.
I regret that I have never made any contributions to the Freescale Forum (Actually, long time ago there were many good posts and ideas in the Forum, Now…Yeah…)
Sorry for “GuanShui”.
Sorry for typing in English now. (Because the school computer only supports English).
Maybe I can use PINGYING? , Oh Sh*t.
It has been a long time from I last time opened this forum website. And every year this time is really special for us. Exciting or …
I realized many interesting ideas, when I scanned over those posts in the Forum.
The post of Demon inspired me a lot, Zhuo is a great teacher who has been working on this competition for so many years.
Those ideas are some reasons which push me to say something here.
One “DaoYou” argues that the rules of this competition seem to be the constraints for us.
Good argument!
However, I just want to say rules are constraint for smart car, but not for our ideas which is the most important. Believe it or not, those ideas which can be achieved in our smart cars could be as good as or even better than techniques used by Google and other institutions.