- 积分
- 660
- 威望
- 211
- 贡献
- 107
- 兑换币
- 133
- 注册时间
- 2013-4-7
- 在线时间
- 171 小时
********************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2012 蓝宙电子科技有限公司 *********************
* 描述 :线性CCD测试程序
* 实验平台 :蓝宙电子XS128系统板 + TSL1401线性CCD传感器
* 作者 :蓝宙电子科技有限公司
* 淘宝店 :http://landzo.taobao.com
* 网站 :http://www.landzo.cn
* MCU: MC9S12XS128MAL - 112Pin
* OSC: 16.000MHz
* BUS: 40.0MHz
* File : CPU.c
* By : Ke Chao
#include "includes.h"
* Description: _EntryPoint
* Note: Oscillator = 16M ---> Fbus = 40M
extern void _Startup(void);
void _EntryPoint(void) {
/* Initialization code after reset */
MMCCTL1 = 0; //Memory Mapping Control
DIRECT = 0; //Direct Page Register
IVBR = 0xFF; //Interrupt Vector Base Register
ECLKCTL = 0xC0; //ECLK Control Register
//ECLK disabled
//ECLKX2 disabled
/* System clock initialization */
CLKSEL = 0; //S12XECRG Clock Select Register,Select clock source from XTAL and set bits in CLKSEL reg.
//System clocks are derived from OSCCLK
//Oscillator is disabled in Stop Mode
//Loop controlled Pierce Oscillator is selected
//IPLL keeps running in Wait Mode
//RTI keeps running in Wait Mode
//COP keeps running in Wait Mode
PLLCTL = 0x81; //S12XECRG IPLL Control Register,Disable the PLL
//Clock monitor is enabled
//IPLL is turned off
//FM off
//Fast wake-up from full stop mode is disabled
//RTI stops running during Pseudo Stop Mode
//COP stops running during Pseudo Stop Mode
//Detection of crystal clock failure forces the MCU in Self Clock Mode
SYNR = 0x44; //S12XECRG Synthesizer Register,Set the multiplier register
//VCOFRQ[1:0] = 0b01,48MHz < fVCO<= 80MHz
//SYNDIV[5:0] = 0b000100,SYNDIV = 4
REFDV = 0x81; //S12XECRG Reference Divider Register,Set the divider register
//REFFRQ[1:0] = 0b10,6MHz < fREF <= 12MHz
//REFDIV[5:0] = 0b000001,REFDIV = 1
POSTDIV = 0; //S12XECRG Post Divider Register,Set the post divider register
//POSTDIV[4:0] = 0b00000,POSTDIV = 0,If POSTDIV = $00 then fPLL is identical to fVCO (divide by one).
PLLCTL = 0xC1; //S12XECRG IPLL Control Register
//Clock monitor is enabled
//IPLL is turned on
//FM off
//Fast wake-up from full stop mode is disabled
//RTI stops running during Pseudo Stop Mode
//COP stops running during Pseudo Stop Mode
//Detection of crystal clock failure forces the MCU in Self Clock Mode
while(CRGFLG_LOCK == 0); //Wait until the PLL is within the desired tolerance of the target frequency
CLKSEL = 0x80; //S12XECRG Clock Select Register,Select clock source from PLL
//System clocks are derived from PLLCLK (fBUS = fPLL / 2).
/* High Temperature Control */
/* Interrupt Enable Register */
CRGINT &= (unsigned char)~(unsigned char)0x12;
/* VREGCTRL - Control Register */
VREGCTRL &= (unsigned char)~(unsigned char)0x02;
/* CRG COP Control Register */
COPCTL = 0x00;
/* Interrupt Control Register */
IRQCR &= (unsigned char)~(unsigned char)0x40;
/* Jump to C startup code */
asm jmp _Startup;
* Description: Cpu_Delay100US
* Note: Fbus = 40M
void Cpu_Delay100US(uint16_t us100) {
asm {
PSHD /* (2 c: 50 ns) backup D */
LDD #$0532 /* (2 c: 50 ns) number of iterations */
DBNE D,LOOP1 /* (3 c: 75 ns) repeat 1330x */
PULD /* (3 c: 75 ns) restore D */
DBNE D,LOOP /* us100 parameter is passed via D register */