
标题: flash掉电存储问题求解 附程序 [打印本页]

作者: powerkoala    时间: 2011-9-24 16:31
标题: flash掉电存储问题求解 附程序
#include <hidef.h>      /* common defines and macros */
#include <MC9S12XS128.h>     /* derivative information */
#pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE "mc9s12xs128"
#define D_Addr 0x00
#define Program_Dflash  0x11
typedef unsigned char UINT8;
typedef unsigned int UINT16;
typedef  unsigned char      uchar;
typedef  unsigned int       uint;
unsigned char read[8];
uchar k;
void delay(uint j)
  uchar i;
void Write_Command(uchar index,uint fcmd,uint addr)
  FCCOBIX = index;    //set the  conmand mode and parameter
  FCCOB = (fcmd<<8) | addr; //set the address and the data
void Pre_Start()
  FCLKDIV |= 0x50;  //设置时钟分频,外部晶振为16Mhz   

void Start_Command()
  FSTAT_CCIF = 1; //To start the command. clear the FSTAT_CCIF begin to write the lauch command
void Wait_Complete_Command()
  while(FSTAT_CCIF == 0);  //if the command is finish FSTAT_CCIF will be zero

void Write_D_Flash(uchar k)
  uint des_addr = D_Addr;
          FSTAT_ACCERR = 1;
          delay(100);           //似乎此处必须加延时
          FSTAT_FPVIOL = 1;
        Write_Command(0x01,0x00,des_addr);  //0X00

void ReadEeprom( uchar * srcAddr, uint destAddr, UINT16 size)
    EPAGE=0X00;       /* current location */   
while(size != 0)
        /* copy to destination */
   *(UINT16 *)srcAddr=*(UINT16 *)destAddr;
        /* next address */
        /* next address */
        /* one byte less */  
void main(void)
  /* put your own code here */
   uchar read1[8]={1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128};
  for(;;) {  

做的流水灯 但是掉电后每次都从初始位置开始 可能是没有写进去 但是读写又正常 就是不能断电存储 求解 谢谢
作者: 静静娃的秃头    时间: 2012-4-11 16:48
作者: wan296555869    时间: 2013-3-29 22:52
我也是这样啊 LZ问题解决了吗

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